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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Two of Clubs

Last week was about sequels.  You were asked to think about things that you want to repeat.  This week, let's take a look at the other end of the spectrum.  What are the things that you want to discontinue or eliminate?  Maybe there is a bad habit you want to break or routine that you want to modify.  In employment situations, it is common to give two weeks notice when you plan to leave the organization.  This allows time for the transition of your responsibilities to others and gives you the opportunity to exit in a professional manner.  Since there are only two weeks remaining in the year, the Two of Clubs will represent your N.O.T.I.C.E. to those things that will not move with you into the new year.

N = Negativity and Nonsense
Look for the lesson in each disappointment and don't waste your time dealing with distractions that will only frustrate you.

O = Obscurity and Obstinacy
Step out of the shadows and showcase what you are doing.  There is a fine line between conviction and stubbornness.  Check yourself periodically to make sure you are on the right side of that line.

T = Tantrum and Tension
Display maturity and wisdom when things don't go your way.  Actively manage your stress so that it does not overwhelm you.

I = Inconsistency and Impatience
Find what works for you and stick to it.  You will encounter issues along the way.  Know that sometimes the best move is to be still.

C = Cynicism and Confusion
Don't be so quick to dismiss what is unfamiliar to you.  You may be ignoring something that can help you.  Do your homework to find out the facts and minimize the uncertainty. 

E = Excuses and Enmity
People don't want to hear why you couldn't do something.  When providing a valid reason for a delay or setback, focus on what you are doing now to deliver results.  Don't hold grudges or burn bridges.  It takes energy away from more productive activities.

 Leave a comment and share what you will give two weeks notice on before the year ends.


  1. This NOTICE will allow us the opportunity to prepare and plan our New Years resolutions early. To reflect and remove, plan and prepare and the work to improve and increase our worth for next year. I have put each of the items above on notice.

  2. Whoa!!So you went straight for "The Punch" serving "N O T I C E"... I am thankful and blessed that God allows me to see another day. With each day hopefully we acquire wisdom and obtain revelation knowledge that some things you just can't take with you and some things you don't even want to take with you...not because of any negative connotation but simply because... It's Time To Let Go! WMG...
